Get Involved

To learn more about child sex trafficking, or how you can help Araminta free people from both its threat and effects, connect with us below.

How You Can Help

Attend an Awaken Training and learn how your time and talents can help keep safe and restore hope to young lives.


For more information on volunteering, click here.

Request a presentation for your organization, business, church, or school, to learn how you can end the threat and trauma of trafficking.

Your generosity can help keep kids safe from traffickers. You can make a difference today by making a contributing to Araminta’s ongoing work.

Upcoming Events

Join the Support Community

Araminta Freedom Initiative
PO Box 22106
Baltimore, MD 21203

Copyright ©2022 Araminta.

Araminta is a 501(c)3 organization, contributions to which are eligible for tax-deductible treatment for federal and state income tax purposes.
Contributions are designated to the overall mission of Araminta and will be used to meet the organization’s most urgent need unless otherwise specified.

You may request a fair and full description of the mission and activities of the organization, as well as a copy of our financial statements at

Araminta Freedom Initiative
PO Box 22106
Baltimore, MD 21203

Copyright ©2022 Araminta.

Araminta is a 501(c)3 organization, contributions to which are eligible for tax-deductible treatment for federal and state income tax purposes.
Contributions are designated to the overall mission of Araminta and will be used to meet the organization’s most urgent need unless otherwise specified.

You may request a fair and full description of the mission and activities of the organization, as well as a copy of our financial statements at