Trainings + Events

Upcoming Events

Awaken Training - Part 1

Learn about child sex trafficking, its unique challenges in Baltimore and the ways in which you can help prevent its trauma and threat to our children. This is a free training led by professional social workers and trafficking experts.

This is a virtual training offered over Zoom.

See the schedule & register now.

Awaken Training - Part 2

Further your knowledge about trafficking and develop the skills needed to educate your community, become an advocate for prevention, or partner with survivors to rebuild their lives. This is a free training led by professional social workers and trafficking experts.

Parenting Education Series

Designed by experts in the field of social work, life coaching, and trafficking prevention, this program offers tools, resources, and support that empower young parents to protect and empower children.

Learn more and register here.

Join the Support Community

Araminta Freedom Initiative
PO Box 22106
Baltimore, MD 21203

Copyright ©2022 Araminta.

Araminta is a 501(c)3 organization, contributions to which are eligible for tax-deductible treatment for federal and state income tax purposes.
Contributions are designated to the overall mission of Araminta and will be used to meet the organization’s most urgent need unless otherwise specified.

You may request a fair and full description of the mission and activities of the organization, as well as a copy of our financial statements at

Araminta Freedom Initiative
PO Box 22106
Baltimore, MD 21203

Copyright ©2022 Araminta.

Araminta is a 501(c)3 organization, contributions to which are eligible for tax-deductible treatment for federal and state income tax purposes.
Contributions are designated to the overall mission of Araminta and will be used to meet the organization’s most urgent need unless otherwise specified.

You may request a fair and full description of the mission and activities of the organization, as well as a copy of our financial statements at